1. Install the source RPM package:

rpm -ivh bcm5700-.src.rpm

If installing the driver on SuSE Linux, refer to the Notes section below before continuing.

2. CD to the RPM path and build the binary driver for your kernel:

cd /usr/src/{redhat,OpenLinux,turbo,packages,rpm ..} rpm -bb SPECS/bcm5700.spec or

rpmbuild -bb SPECS/bcm5700.spec (for RPM version 4.x.x)

Note that the RPM path is different for different Linux distributions.

3. Install the newly built package (driver and man page):

rpm -ivh RPMS/i386/bcm5700-.i386.rpm

Note that the --force option is needed if installing on Red Hat 7.1, 7.2,
and others that already contain an older version of the driver.

The driver will be installed in the following path:

2.2.x kernels:


2.4.x kernels:


2.4.x kernels with bcm5700 driver patched in (e.g. Red Hat 7.1, 7.2):




4. Load the driver:

insmod bcm5700

If loading the driver on Red Hat 7.3, 2.1 AS or newer Red Hat kernels, refer to the Notes section below before loading the driver.

5. To configure network protocol and address, refer to various Linux documentations.

INSTALLING SOURCE .rpm PACKAGE INSTALLING SOURCE .rpm PACKAGE Reviewed by Sitakom Blog on 4:37 PM Rating: 5

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